Friday 1 February 2013


Hourray! I managed to stick to something! Here is it, the video compilation of short clips of January 2013. The post for the February challenge will be up shortly, but for now, enjoy! BE SURE TO WATCH IT IN HD yayayayayayaaa

Supposedly it works now, I REALLY HOPE SO!

January 1st - New Years Day sleepiness
2nd - Huge snowfall
3rd - Hanging with Owen
4th - After Karine's goodbye dinner
5th - Chilling before work
6th - More snow!
7th - Conditioning practice
8th - Watching Kindergarten Cop on Netflix
9th - Finally got my shoes fixed
10th - New book
11th - The huge snowfall has all melted
12th - Sushi with Em T
13th - More mild weather
14th - Busing to the pool
15th - At the mooovies
16th - Harea Band show at Babylon
17th - Ready to work
18th - Painting nails with Em T
19th - Zaphods
20th - Freezing -32 cold
21st - Tumblr tumblr tumblr
22nd - Bored
23rd - Zaaa
24th - (shoeless) Harea Band
25th - Packing!
26th- Headed to Victoria
27th - View of brother's apartment
28th - Headed to Mount Washington
29th - Skiing Mount Washington
30th - Leaving Mount Washington
31st - Brews with the bro